Thursday, July 31, 2008


Ta-Da! The user ID and password worked - yay.

Our first MKT 580 class on Tuesday was special; it was an opportunity to once again be reunited with my friend, Susan Sullivan, from whom I have taken a few Roberts' courses. For those of you who have not met Susan before Tuesday night -- you are in for a treat. Susan, I'm not kissing up . . . really, I'm not. : )

I am so happy that the cohort was given a complete outline of the IMC concept -- very helpful. Susan presented the IMC in a manner that makes total sense and can be used as a sort of road map for the remainder of our program; and certainly useful in our careers. Thanks, Susan. Although, I am finding the reading assignments to be a bit dry. I think that with the addition of a few supplemental articles, the reading will be more palatable.

Interestingly, some of the reading that the class was assigned this week, related directly to what I am currently doing at work. I showed the section to the person who is training me and he said that the topic was right on target to what he does and what I will be doing as of Friday, after he moves on to a new job in Seattle.

I am truly looking forward to Week Three, wherein the cohort will learn all about Public Relations. Originally, I thought I was going to miss class that week; however, the following Tuesday (8/19) is the week that I will be absent, as I have to go to Boston on business. Boy, does that sound great . . . I have to go to Boston on business. Yay. Keep me in your prayers that I do well in this job, so that I can soon become a permanent employee.

See ya on Tuesday.



Amy said...

I've found that same coincidence many times...what we are studying in school mirrors my project at work that very week. So happy you've landed a nice contract job with a decent company!

Susan said...
