Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bunker Hill Community College will be a trendsetter.

Was it the foresight of a college professor, the consumer/student demand for more classes or simply a sign of the times? All of those mentioned if you ask me. Take a look at the article:
Students burn midnight oil at Boston College: http://www.rr.com/news/topic/article/rr/1110/8889740/Students_burn_midnight_oil_at_Boston_college/full/

The demand for midnight classes at this college was evident. It is a matter of time before the anticipated success of this model catches on. Currently, Bunker Hill Community College is the “only school in the nation offering overnight classes.”
I am sure a study of consumer behavior and psychographics and demographic descriptors will determine a more defined market segmentation than identified here. Judging by the hours I keep, I may be the ideal student/consumer for this type of program!


Anonymous said...

Dear Jackie,
Thank you for your positive words about Bunker Hill Community College's Midnight College initiative.

I would like to clarify one item. BHCC is neither the first nor the only college offering classes in the middle of the night.

We are, however, getting terrific press!

BHCC Administrator

Susan said...

As the marketer for non-traditional programs and for adult learners, this article substantiates my research [and my fears!] the the community college alternative to private 4-year institutions continues to gain popularity. What I had no insight to, however, is how they will continue to support and attract their growing audience. I applaud BHCC's quick response to their market.


Another option is taking online courses instead of overnight courses. Then you can do your classwork at anytime. This is very beneficial to adult students who have to frequently travel for their occupation. Online learning is gaining huge popularity. I oversees the servers that RWC uses for online course management. They are the most powerful servers we have. We constantly see more and more utilization of these servers each month. I it awesome to sit back and watch how successful and popular the online courses are becoming.