Sunday, September 12, 2010

Public Safety Announcements

I was checking email the other day and I noticed a banner ad for CSXT railways, which services most of the Eastern United States and Canada. The ad itself made me curious as to what why CSXT would be posting an ad for railroad safety. I started looking into the number of crashes as of late. It does appear that worldwide 2010 has been a year fraught with accidents, many of them deadly. While in Rochester we may not notice trains too much other than, maybe, taking a tour of the old subway or watching the clock when we are stuck watching one slowly pass us by. Despite what may be considered our local ignorance, (if it’s not around me, it’s not important) trains do still crisscross the United States, and are mainstays of transportation across the globe. With 4+ billion people utilizing this method of transportation daily, accidents are bound to happen, and those accidents are likely to be fatal. CSXT has not had crash in the US in 5 years, and when they have had accidents they have not been deadly. Despite this fact they still need to keep awareness up, that the reason CSXT is having such a high level of safety, is due to the cooperation of the people who both use trains and are around them at any time. The ad itself was affective in that it grabbed attention, and made customers and non customers aware of some general safety. In doing some searches for this article I came across the CSXT site CSXT Advertisements showcasing many of their ads that are running right now about the benefits of trains. AND CSXT Safety which has all of their public safety announcements listed for workers, community, and riders.

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