Saturday, September 26, 2009

Businesses use vehicles as billboards

I read an interesting article in the Saturday, September 26 edition of the Democrat and Chronicle. The article caught my attention over the increasing popularity of local business owners turning their cars and vans into eye catching mobile advertising. Local businesses such as: Pontillo's Pizzeria, Wegmans, and Edible Arrangements are using a vinyl "decal wrap" consisting of detailed graphics, and attention-grabbing photos to enhance their advertising message.

The cost of the mobile advertising ranges from $2,400 to $3,500 and businesses owners have found that mobile advertising is cheaper than renting a traditional billboard. Business owner's commented that more customers are aware of the services they offer and noticed the automobile driving around Rochester.

With the cost of advertising on TV, radio, newspaper, and billboards on the rise, the mobile advertising wrap on the automobile seems to be an economical means of advertising. The mobile advertising wrap is a solution for signage. Many local towns example have strict zoning codes for signage and permits are required for banners. My wife, a local chiropractor in Rochester, has expressed an interest in this way of advertising. Her truck is parked outside her office on a daily basis and she figures if she was to park her truck in front of her office might increase the number of new patients to her office. I like the concept of mobile advertising, my wife and I plan to complete additional research for this trendy style of advertising.


Susan said...

Ray, I will be interested to know if your wife decides to invest in this advertising tactic. The issue you raise around signage permits has caused many a businessman/woman a good amount of grief -- my husband included.


I think that is a great marketing strategy. My cousin owns a construction and home remodeling company. He has magnetic advertisements for his vehicle. He can move the magnetic adds from one vehicle or remove them if he needs to drive the vehicle to a special event such as a wedding.