Friday, September 10, 2010

"Crisis" Management Resource

PR guru Johnathen Bernstein defines a Crisis as "Any situation that is threatening or could threaten to harm people or property,seriously interrupt business, damage reputation and/or negatively impact share value."

Although I agree with Greg Kamp on his thoughts on what really should be considered a crisis (I.E. Shooting at a University), it is still important that a business should learn how to plan and manage situations that may potentially damage its brand in any way (I'm sure Greg feels the same way).

Check out Bernstein's website and blog where you'll fine tips and information on both types of "crisis". You can also subscribe to free monthly newsletters from his site!


Susan said...

I agee; aside from devestation or death situations,I think companies and PR teams in particular can take a pro-active, preventative approach to averting crisis by assigning a full-time reader to manage web and social media.

Marcy said...

Great find Danielle. This makes me think about how important cell phones are these days in crisis management in the workplace and on college campuses. I know when I was at Geneseo, they used a system that would text every student/faculty in the case of an emergency on campus. I can't imagine what kind of chaotic process they must have had in place before the birth of cell phones!