Food for Thought: Did you know that the Simon Graduate Program participates in the 17th Annual Simon Case Competition ever spring? This marketing competition encourages creativity and analytics to solve real-world business and marketing problems for sponsors (Xerox, Constellation Brnads, Wegmans, etc).
Marketing students in graduate programs participate from all over the country. Examples of schools represented: Wake Forest, SUNY at Buffalo, University of Maryland, New York University, University of North Carolina, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, George Washington University, RIT, etc.
Top prize for the top three winning teams is $10,000.
How do we get involved?
This sounds like a fabulous opportunity. If it's doable (and we aren't disqualified for being done with school), I'm in.
count me in too
I have a call in to my contact there.
The faculty here has discussed running a similar contest at RWC -- HUGE undertaking. In the future, we could possibly engage our alumni to help out with this type of initiative.
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