Tuesday, August 24, 2010

IMC Plan on a Personal Level

As I reflected on last class, I began to think about how an IMC plan is very similar to a person’s character. When companies develop IMC plans, the purpose is to make sure all of their stakeholders are receiving consistent messages. It would not make any sense for a company to say they wanted to be known as the “health center” one day and the next day begin developing a line of ice cream. These two activities are completely contradictory.

Now, let’s take a look at consistency on a more personal level - a person’s character. A person’s morals and values, just like a company’s IMC plan, should remain consistent regardless of what situation they are put in. Overall, consistent communication and actions are really the keys to being successful in many aspects of life, both for people in their personal and professional lives, and for companies.

1 comment:

Susan said...

One of the strongest connections to brand is at the emotional level. The values of the company should be reflected in all company communictions -- consistently -- so that consumers can experience an emotional brand relationship, the ultimate "win" for the company.