Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Strenght of Three

Social media had evolved into a strong leg of marketing communications. Today social media is used by marketers, advertisers and public relations professionals to reach their audiences. These are three very different entities involved in the full scale communications process. So I can only wonder who handles social media today.

Marketers are generally focused on the strategy of communication. While advertisers focus on the creative perspective of communication. And of course public relations focus on the media and other publics to ensure communication reaches the audience. Each profession clearly possesses a different take on the element of social media but does any one hold the responsibility?

In my, the answer is no, this is the beauty of integrated marketing at its finest. As independent entities the task of social media communication would present individual strengths. Marketing would effectively target their audience with a well defined communication messaging. Advertising would effectively draw the attention of the audience with their creative approach to communication. And public relations would say it best in their content message. But all three entities working together for form integrated social media communication with combined strengths. Integrated communications would demonstrate target focus, creativity, and effective content that reach an audience better than any single entity ever could.

Now that’s the true excitement of integrated marketing communications.

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