Thursday, August 7, 2008

Looking forward to PR Week!

I am definitely looking forward to week three of class (especially after the drama of the power going out and whatnot) because PR and Publicity are my favorite elements of IMC and I write and send press releases almost on a daily basis...sometimes more than one per day, depending on what we have going on and coming up. I personally do not use the standard format of press releases (but I will for the homework!), I don't double space, I don't always stay within the recommended two-page maximum, but I have had 10 years to develop my own style and "look". I will say, in my opinion, more than the format or layout or sometimes even the content of the release itself, it oftentimes comes down to your connections and relationships with the people working in the media. (The journalistic style of writing, with the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How is imperative to have in the beginning though, no matter what!) You have to be able to sell them your story and convince them that it would be more beneficial for them, as a news outlet, to send a photographer and reporter to cover your event or program, because their viewers will want to see it. It is much easier to accomplish that if you have existing relationships and the news people know you by name and are willing to take the time to listen! You also have to be willing to be the "squeaky wheel" and send that release multiple times, once typically won't do it, and the follow-up call is key. Not sure yet what I am going to use for the homework assignment...but something I can fit within two pages, double spaced! See you all Tuesday night!

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