Sunday, August 17, 2008

What kind of relationship do you have with your PR Agency?

I really enjoyed last week's class on PR, not only our guest speaker but also all of the presentations by the class. PR is such a powerful component of the overall marketing mix and so many companies don’t leverage this secret ingredient in making a company even more successful in the marketplace. PR is not just about getting articles published, it’s about knowing your different “publics” and knowing how to communicate with them and.......knowing your agency and/or PR department. We have all been reading about the dos and don’ts of successful PR but the question to ask is, “what kind of relationship are you having with your PR department and/or agency?” HMM. PR can work much better for you when you realize that your PR agency/department is your “partner.” Many times companies are ready to throw in the towel with their agency but many times they haven’t assessed the relationship. Has it all been one sided? There are puts and takes in any relationship and a company can’t expect that they don’t have to give when it comes to PR. I read an interesting article on this they said: “It takes two to tango” and that is so true. To read more about the importance of the relationship with your PR agency/department click here to read: “Break-ups To Make-Ups: Getting the Most from Your PR Agency”

Let your PR agency/department work with you and not for you. When you have a healthy and strong relationship it’s amazing the results that can happen.


Amy said...

I enjoyed Greg Kamp's presentation as well and I think one of the more interesting tidbits he shared was that were he able to choose his career path over again, he would not have chosen to work in a firm that dealt strictly with PR, as he did during his days with Edelman. As marketers, we need to be sure not to operate in those dreaded "silos" that businesses can get caught up in. I agree with BA’s suggestion that if you treat your PR firm (or advertising firm) as a trusted partner, the results can be impressive.

Susan said...

Such great insight here. Personal professional relationships are the cornerstone of success, whether it be PR, personal selling, or graduate learning!