Thursday, August 14, 2008

PR, ethics and fiction

I loved the PR class. The guest speaker was good too.

I know its fictional, but most of what was said I related to episodes of The West Wing. Particularly the spin. In the episode I was watching a couple nights ago, the President was holding off on naming a new chair to the Federal Reserve Board. The "Spin" his staff put on the story was that the delay was out of respect for the deceased former chief. The real reason is that the Presidents wife had already suggested a name to the press, and rather have the public believe that the President makes his decisions based on his wife's recommendations, they decided to wait a day to "spin" the president in a more positive leadership role.

The question of ethics ensues, especially since in the story, the DOW dropped nearly 300 points when there was no successor named for a whole day.


AJ said...

And then... not to reiterate the West Wing...

But there was that one time where he had to come out to the world that the President had MS. He went to the White House legal staff for advice. Basically, acting as a PR guy, the President was told that he was to be completely honest, answer all of the questions and never to envoke executive privilege. He was also told that if the govener of East Podunk wanted to interview him, he would be on the next flight out.

Essentially all of the advice our guest speaker had.

Susan said...

There is no better spin than what they do on TV -- excellent analogy. Any spin in NASCAR??