Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is IMC?

Week one of IMC was great! I am excited and relieved at the same time to know that things are finally coming together - the light at the end of the tunnel. Since the beginning of this program classes have seemed a bit fragmented and inconsistent, but after Susan’s introduction to IMC we seem to have a frame work to tie some things together.

What is IMC? Larry Percy clearly defines IMC, in our text Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications (pg.5), as “…the planning and execution of all types of advertising-like and promotion-like messages selected for a brand, service, or company, in order to meet a common set of communication objectives, or more particularly, to support a single ‘positioning’.” What I took away from our class time and reading last week was… the key to mastering IMC is planning! When you consider that “…consumers seem to see almost every form of marketing communication as advertising,” we as IMC marketers need to make sure that “…we are strategically controlling or influencing all messages sent” (Percy 2008). Furthermore, we need to “… [look] at the whole marketing process from the viewpoint of the customer” before we can develop an effective IMC plan (Percy 2008). “A strategic understanding of IMC must be based upon a rigorous planning process that will identify appropriate target audiences, develop marketing communication that will accomplish those objectives in a consistent way, and find the best ways of delivering the message” (Percy 2008). And that’s what IMC is all about!

So…I’m ready for IMC and 4 more weeks of a great class!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Blimey -- I think you've got it! My hope is that all that I we accomplished in week one will carry through the next four weeks and into your final project. Keep planning!