Now that I actually figured out how to do a post on the main page...I can start my post.
I had an experience today with APA formatting that I thought I would share with everyone. I was having some trouble figuring out how to cite a couple of references that my group used in our paper. So I asked my boss if he was familiar with APA style and he said he was. He started going into a whole schpeal (sp?) about how he uses it for new releases etc. So then I reworded my question to ask him if he was familiar with citing references in APA format. He then referred me to out PR person because she wrote more in APA format then he did. So I set out to ask her. Again, she wasn't familiar with how to cite references using APA format...BUT....she did pull out this book from one of her cabinets that was 10 years old! She said I could use that because she doesn't think much of the information has changed. I had to laugh inside! I thumbed through it real quick and it was more geared towards actually writing in APA style versus what are little black and green book is for. Can anybody say Christmas present?!?!
So I just thought it was weird that even though some of the people I work with do use the APA style, but they don't know how to cite references. I mean it is a little bit understandable because they right more along the lines of news releases versus academic papers.
I'm so glad there is spell check on this type of posting!
What your coworkers were referring to is AP, not APA. AP stands for Associated Press and is a style guide for writing, which we use at my workplace as well. APA stands for American Psychological Association, which is what we have to use for our citations. Believe me, AP style is a lot easier to remember than APA!
Oh, I'd like to add that I think it's called American Pyschological Association because it makes people crazy, thus creating more patients for psychologists!!
Sugestun: for realy goood speling, type up your posting in Word, which has spellcheck, and then paste it into our happy little blog.
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