Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Current events from BusinessWeek

I was reading two articles in BusinessWeek magazine today. One article was about Ford's fight for a brighter future in car sales (a shift from SUV and truck) and the other was about a fictional author who writes about underage vampires and werewolves.
James Farley(Chris Farley's cousin) is Ford's marketing czar and came up with a successful campaign idea by (for the first time ever) including Ford car dealers during the creative process. Instead of consumers being a part of focus groups it was the car dealers because they knew more than anyone about their customers and what Ford does right and wrong. No relationship is more important that the one between the company making the product and the people selling them.  Farley also had Ford's creative chief that worked for another agency outsource for forward-thinking and creative talent around the state of Michigan (Ford Headquarters).
No one knows if the campaign will actually work because it hasn't come out yet,  so far I think it is headed for success because Farley used the best players. It was a really interesting article!

The second article was about author, Stephanie Meyer, who engages with her fans over social networking sites, websites, and her personal email. What better way to connect and build relationships with your audience than virtually!? With today's advancements in technology it is much easier to gain feedback and keep up with trends by reading blogs, reviews, and browsing social networking sites to CONNECT with people that have the same interests. It's all about connections!

All and all the two articles were really fascinating to me. Both people used resources that are available to us and are effective.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I want to hear more about the Werewolves.